Rc Manta Ray 2005
Whats that splashing through puddles and getting air off of huge jumps? Why its the classic
4WD R/C buggy called Manta Ray! This sleek buggy features a lightweight and durable bathtub
type frame with honeycomb reinforcing ribs. The precision front/rear double wishbone
suspension includes upper I-arm, lower H-arm and CVA dampers. Shaft driven 4WD
transmission features compact front/rear gearboxes installed directly on frame, making gears
easy to remove for quick maintenance. Front/rear stud spike tires provide excellent handling
on even the toughest of road conditions. First released in 1990, the Manta Rays trailblazing
chassis design led the way to the TA01 and the subsequent R/C touring car boom. -
- Discontinued True